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Cito Basics

Logging in

To log into your Cito server you will need to use an SSH client. Cito does not have a graphical user interface, by design. The default user is admin.

To start with, one admin user exists on the system and this user has sudo access.


Please be cautious when using sudo if you're not an experienced system administrator. It's easy to cause damage to a system or break server functionality by doing so.

Prostack retains root access for the purposes of management.

Once you are logged in you can run commands, view website contents, and navigate around.

User switching

When working on individual sites, you should switch to that user using sudo su - <username>. You can also SSH in directly as a user.

When you create a new Cito site, we automatically copy SSH keys from admin to the new user. This behaviour can be toggled with the -x flag in psnew.

User layout

Each website has it’s own system user and home directory, based in /home. This approach keeps individual sites isolated from each other to maintain security.

You can use the pslist command to view a list of websites with their corresponding usernames and home directories.

Installed utilities & developer tools

The usual developer tools are pre-installed: composer, git, along with common system administration utilities such as htop and curl.

We also support:

  • Elasticsearch
  • Redis
  • Varnish (for Magento 2)
  • WP-CLI

If you need anything else, Support will be happy to assist.