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Welcome to the Cito documentation site. Here you'll find resources and information on how to manage your Cito server.

About Cito

Prostack Cito is a tuned and tailored application stack designed for Wordpress, Laravel and other PHP applications. It runs on Debian 11 ("Bullseye"). Some of the stack components are:

  • Nginx
  • MariaDB 10.6

Designed for performance and flexibility, Cito does not have a web UI, and is instead managed entirely via command-line.

For a general overview of Cito's features and support, please visit the main website here.

Getting started

When your Cito server has been provisioned you will receive a set of admin credentials to enable you to log in. This admin user has root privileges via sudo.

To get started with managing and deploying your sites, use the navigation bar on the left to choose a topic.


Questions or comments?

We'd love to hear feedback on Cito, including feature requests or bugs. Please contact us using the information here.